Thursday, October 17, 2013

Just Some Little Tidbits

Afternoon Loverlies!! I just got through watching Paranormal Activity 4. Let's just say I hate the ending the same as the other endings. lol I always feel like I have to watch it like one time, at least. I feel kinda spoooked also, it doesn't really scare me, it just creeps me. If that makes any sense at all. Now on to fun stuff that will get me uncreeped eh? 
Today I logged into my Polyvore. I have not messed around on this site yet, so I figured let's see what this is about. Basically I have figured out you just put stuff you like in a lil collage together and publish it. You can follow people and vice versa. I donno if I really like it, but sometimes makes it easy to find stuff I wanna buy so far. DANGIT!! lol I decided to show the three little collages I made so far. I hope to own most of the items at some time. SO CUTE!! Anyways if anyone of y'all are on Polyvore add me, Or follow or what not at this link. ;) I will also have a Throwback Thursday picture at the bottom so keep a scrollin' and enjoy.
 Ta Ta For Now!

The Nightmare Before Christmas!!


Some Things I love!!!

This was my First year in college. Wow How sleepy and young I look. LOL
Fun Fact:  When I was 9 I had a crush on Jack Skellington from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Don't ask me why...I don't know...I'm just weird.

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