Monday, June 30, 2014

Oh The Gift I Received!

Afternoon Loverlies! Well late afternoon... 
I was having a rough day today to be honest, ya know those pesky anxieties. They will get ya and when they do, they really get ya. :P Luckily my day got brighter when I grabbed the mail! I found a card from one of my Gaybies! I met these few friends on second life sometime last year, well one of them I've known since 2010 I believe. I like to call them my Gaybies, it's a fun word, right? lol I find making friends with men who like the same sex, easier. I have found they don't hit on woman, ;) which is a good thing for this married woman. Right?!? Well I think so, I just don't want to have to worry about guy friends flirting with me, etc. Because it is very uncomfortable and I love my husband dearly.

I am very grateful for these friends of mine, they have been very welcoming and don't mind my weirdness. We all talk about everyday even, which helps when my hubby is off doing school work or working at his job. Everyone needs friends to keep them company! Even though it may be on a call through skype, that is better then nothing at all. I am thankful I have them in my life! They are my family! Well the exciting news is the gift I got from Jayla, that's my nickname for him, his real name is Johnathon. I find it fun giving nicknames to my gaybies, keeps life exciting eh? He sent me this pretty glittery hallmark card with marilyn monroe on the front of it. It had the sweetest little note in it! ok, now for the exciting gift I received! I don't know if any of y'all watch Rupaul's Drag Race, well I do. I find it fun, funny, and interesting. Well this last season was won by Bianca Del Rey, I love him because he is honest and will tell you like it is, but he is also nice and helped the other contestants throughout the competition. Therefore, He deserved to win every bit of this competition! I so want to meet him! Anyways, that was my gift! It is a signed picture of Bianca Del Rey! My poor hubby didn't know what I was doing, he was like are you laughing or crying? I was like everything I am so excited Jayla sent me this autographed picture! I could talk about it for days, over and over and over again. But I won't, I shall spare y'all. lol Thank You JAYLA!!! Have A Blessed Day!

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Evening Loverlies! I have always wanted to try one of Ellen Hopkins books, so I decided to try Impulse because I thought it was the first book she wrote. Apparently I must have looked up her books wrong, I found out Crank is actually her first book. I also always seem to never read what the book is about, I guess i'll never learn. This book is very emotional, but describes a good idea of what folks dealing with mental issues go through. It's about these three teens that are in a psychiatric hospital for different issues. I believe it also shows a good point that if you know someone who should be taking their medicine and they get off those meds, you should tell someone about it that can help them. Especially if you can tell a difference with their moods. I will admit it was a good book, just a bit on the sad side. I found it easy to read and hard to put down though. I will have to try some more of her books though. :) Have a Blessed Day!

Synopsis From Goodreads:

Three lives, three different paths to the same destination: Aspen Springs, a psychiatric hospital for those who have attempted the ultimate act -- suicide.
Vanessa is beautiful and smart, but her secrets keep her answering the call of the blade.
Tony, after suffering a painful childhood, can only find peace through pills.
And Conner, outwardly, has the perfect life. But dig a little deeper and find a boy who is in constant battle with his parents, his life, himself.
In one instant each of these young people decided enough was enough. They grabbed the blade, the bottle, the gun -- and tried to end it all. Now they have a second chance, and just maybe, with each other's help, they can find their way to a better life -- but only if they're strong and can fight the demons that brought them here in the first place.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Afternoon Loverlies! I purchased this book a few months ago and just now got around to reading it. I am glad I did! The book is called Splintered by A.G. Howard. This book has a different take on Alice In Wonderland, so different and detailed it would take a while to explain the difference about this wonderland. I really enjoyed reading this and plan on reading the other ones. There are four books to these series, one of them being a novella of Jeb and Morpheus's point of view. The covers of these books are so beautifully done, which makes them even more of a wonderful read in my eyes. lol If you enjoy stories of Alice In Wonderland I suggest giving these books a try! Have a Blessed Day!

Synopsis on Goodreads: 

This stunning debut captures the grotesque madness of a mystical under-land, as well as a girl’s pangs of first love and independence. Alyssa Gardner hears the whispers of bugs and flowers—precisely the affliction that landed her mother in a mental hospital years before. This family curse stretches back to her ancestor Alice Liddell, the real-life inspiration for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alyssa might be crazy, but she manages to keep it together. For now. When her mother’s mental health takes a turn for the worse, Alyssa learns that what she thought was fiction is based in terrifying reality. The real Wonderland is a place far darker and more twisted than Lewis Carroll ever let on. There, Alyssa must pass a series of tests, including draining an ocean of Alice’s tears, waking the slumbering tea party, and subduing a vicious bandersnatch, to fix Alice’s mistakes and save her family. She must also decide whom to trust: Jeb, her gorgeous best friend and secret crush, or the sexy but suspicious Morpheus, her guide through Wonderland, who may have dark motives of his own.


Monday, June 16, 2014

Find Your Whitespace

Afternoon Loverlies! I finally have received this book I have waiting on called Finding Spiritual Whitespace written by Bonnie Gray. First off the cover on this book is gawgeous!! It is so simple and just brilliant! This book was very interesting to read, I read it in about a day. But I know I am going to have to go back and reread and rethink the questions that are at the end of every chapter. This author writes about her rough childhood and how it brought about PTSD. She also explains how she has been getting through this with God's help, and the actions she and her therapist have decided she should do. I felt I could easily relate with her about her anxiety attacks and about lack of friends when you are dealing with mental health issues. Sadly, you do find out easily who the true friends are in these situations. 

Gray also speaks about how everyone needs to find their spiritual whitespace. Take time for themselves to rest, relax, and just be with God.  You can find whitespace in everything, be it crafting, drawing, drinking tea, or even staring at God's beauty. There are plenty more activities or non activities you can do to find your whitespace. She states, "whitespace signifies space for a story." I think this book will be easy to read daily, just like a devotional book. I really enjoyed reading this book and will enjoy reading it again and again. Also go over and check out Bonnie Gray's blog HERE. She has been posting a 21 days of rest challenge for anyone to do, which looks interesting. Her link is also where you can purchase the book for yourself. :) Have A Blessed Day!

"Our souls are canvases too, longing for quiet and beauty. Just as beautiful art needs whitespace, we need whitespace: spiritual whitespace. Our soul needs rest. To find balance and beauty."

Synopsis from Goodreads

Move beyond Coping and Surviving to a Rejuvenating Place of Soul Rest How many of us find ourselves exhausted, running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, no time for God? Bonnie Gray knows exactly what that's like. On the brink of fulfilling a lifelong dream, Bonnie's plans suddenly went off script. Her life shattered into a debilitating journey through anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. But as she struggled to make sense of it all, she made an important discovery: we all need "spiritual whitespace." Spiritual whitespace makes room--room in one's heart for a deep relationship with God, room in one's life for rest, room in one's soul for rejuvenation. With soul-stirring vulnerability and heartbreaking honesty, Bonnie takes readers on a personal journey to feed their souls and uncover the deeper story of rest. Lyrical writing draws readers into Gray's intimate journey through overwhelming stress to find God in a broken story and celebrate the beauty of faith. Guided by biblical encouragement and thought-provoking prompts, Gray shows readers how to create space in the everyday for God, refreshment, and faith. She also offers practical steps and insights for making spiritual whitespace a reality, right in the midst of the stress-frayed stories in every season of life.

[ Blog Post Brought To You By Revell ]

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Let's Not Judge

Mawnin' Loverlies! I know we all are judging at times, it's hard not to be because it's just human nature. I try my best not to judge even. We just have to remind ourselves when we catch ourselves judging, we do not know their situation. It especially upsets me when you see folks griping about others that are on welfare, disability, food stamps, etc. I am sure there are other examples I could talk about also. But Like I said we do not know their situation So instead of judging, let's send love and just say a prayer for them. :)
Have a Blessed Day!

Here is the LINK where I found this scripture picture. This blogger  did a good bloggy post about do not judge.  I think it's worth a read. :) 

Monday, June 02, 2014

Proverbs 31

Afternoon Loverlies! I feel as if I've Kind of gotten off track of my posting lately. About a few weeks ago I got a call stating my Grandmother passed. I know my depression was acting up around that time, of course. I just felt so tired all the time. I am still very sad she has passed, but sometimes I just have to remind myself that she is in Heaven now and not in pain anymore. I have decided to start collecting thimbles in memory of her. She always collected thimbles and wherever a family member went on vacation they would always bring her back a thimble. So I thought it would be nice to have a small thimble collection, that way I feel like I would have her there with me. I hope that makes sense. I also took a rose from the funeral and dried out the petals. I just put them on a piece of  card stock ( It think that's what it's called) with the scripture Proverbs 31: 10-31 on it. That is the scripture that was read at her funeral, and I agree that she was everything this scripture describes. I hope someday, that I can be like how my grandma was. It really feels weird saying was, I want to say is. I Love you Grandma Kamy!

10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.
15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.
17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.
18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.
19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22 She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.
24 She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant.
25 Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.
28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.
30 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.


An older picture of me with my grandparents.

What I made with the Rose petals. Imma have to find a matte finish to cover it to get rid of the certain glossy spots. and yes I know, I'm not the best with crafts but I tried! I like it! :)